another wonderful, deep, rich piece of writing . delicious soul food . so very comforting to be nourished by the deeper truth . thank you . <3

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Thanks David for a great piece of writing.

Your beautifully chosen words fit together like the blockchain itself.

I had a beautiful image arise as reading, about halfway through,

of a net-like effect of lights turning on; Like Indra's net. Lights (of individuals) drawing out the light of other individuals through induction.

In working with groups I have felt the same potential where we all sustain what I call an empathetic circle. When we are able to share the space of 'not knowing' through the comfort of being together, we can in fact 'know' much more than initially can fit into words.

Thanks for putting this all into words in the context of Pisces and Aquarius

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This was a huge aha and clarity for me, David. After 20+ years as a multidisciplinary healing practitioner, I found myself strangely depleted, disillusioned and seeking the "what next?" I was craving community but I didn't know what it looked like. So I stepped away from everything for several years, just recently moving back to it. You answered the "what next" for me. Thank you!

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Dear David, so wonderful this that you are offering with such ground, breadth, vision, intellectual clarity and so much more. The coherence is so welcome in these disparate times. David I wonder if you would add an option for one off donations, or adjustable subscriptions. With different currencies (such as Australia) your $US amount becomes very inflated. Deep thanks for your true work. All blessings. xx

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I always love your writing and what particularly stood out for me this eve was "There is a very particular delight that comes from being used as a channel for a gift that is uniquely yours to bring through." I will need to read it again at least once to receive all the wonderful nourishment in the words. Thank you David.

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