David, I am very glad to hear of your ongoing recovery and the resurgence of your creative energy! Great news.

I'd like to comment on the more nuanced dimensionality in the polarity between centralized hierarchical authoritarianism and de-centralized, pluralistic, non-hierarchical networks you started to describe here.

There are a few parts to this. First, I believe that the impulse towards the Acquarian pole of this polarity is motivated from deeper levels of Being aiming to express within humanity a synthesis of individual and collective consciousness. We are emerging from a long developmental epoch in which we have learned lessons as ego-identified individuals limited to and bound by body-suits, yet sharing, without awareness, a collective schema of separatism, limitation, and competitiveness. There have been remarkable instances of individual and small group initiations in the past pushing past these perceptual limitations, but now this initiation is ripe to emerge on a global scale. We are discovering, with subjective support from Guidance aligned with our evolutionary potential, that we are each not just an individual unit of consciousness but also a node functioning within the collective network of humanity. Though paradoxical at the cognitive level, we are learning (as Heart intelligence comes online) that it is not a matter one or the other, but rather, both/and. We are each equal in having a unique gift to bring to the table, and we need to be consciously participating in the Whole to realize that gift. In other terms, we are each a Sovereign entity participating in an Integral reality. It is this underlying wholism that I believe illuminates the deeper meaning of the emergent Aquarian archetype.

As for the Piscean impulse – its deeper meaning was (is), as I understand it, to help humanity aspire to awareness of the Transcendent pole of existence. And yet, as with any archetype expressing through the layered distortions of evolving human consciousness, it came to connote, at first, a much more concrete power structure in which those deemed more worthy and capable were charged to “care for” and “teach” those who were less evolved. Which, in turn, became further distorted by denser layers of fear and greed taking the “ideal” to the depths of sectarian exploitation. And, at another level of distortion, the Piscean impulse gave rise to spiritual by-passing as a belief system– the erroneous doctrine that our destiny is to escape the constraints of embodied human living – the polar opposite of engaged spirituality. Perhaps a valuable take-away here is that the extent to which any archetype expresses itself without distortion at the human level depends on the states of consciousness of we through whom it expresses.

(Gary Raucher)

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So beautifully expressed Gary (and good to hear from you). I love your insight that the deeper meaning of the Piscean impulse was to bring through awareness of the Transcendent pole. That totally resonates. And also that the Aquarian archetype is about the synergy of individual and collective consciousness. And that these archetypes have to filter down through layers of distortions in human consciousness. Thank you for enriching the picture of the archetypal dynamics I'm attempting to describe.

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Excellent, thankyou David. Looking forward to the next instalment

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Thanks Gay!

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Nice to have you back !!

Circularity is one of our bodily-know archetypes and it seems that on our journey through / to consciousness, we need to deny it or rather go into polarisation so that we can see that circles can be made of bent lines or tangential lines too; looking in the mirror to see that we / all exist. Fear and grasping tend to go together but in a circle we are never far from one another. Resonance is easier

The electronic social structuring that has been going on (for perverse control) can quite nicely be turned into hubs of distribution and free exchange, once we get past the fear and grasping; the center as a passing encounter point and not just a focus. Many now know the weight of accumulation and long for a release; no blame. Thanks again, Regards Pete

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Good to hear from you Pete. The circle is a particularly apt metaphor I think for the Aquarian archetype coming in. I'm encouraged by your confidence in how easily the control structures might turn into hubs of distribution and exchange once we get past the fear.

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Promising observation.

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Thank you, David, so good to know that not only have you fully recovered, but you have provided us with much valuable food for thought. Much gratitude.

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Thanks Mary!

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I really enjoyed this article and look forward to the remainder of the essays. As a host for an ongoing series called series of webinars called Evolutionary Activism, I resonate with the themes, both the challenges and the opportunities, you are clearly outlining. I will be sharing some of your thoughts with the participants. Thank you!

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Excellent, David. Your analysis of the existing dualism is spot on. We need a middle balanced way to move forward and upwards into the new Age. I'm looking forward to your next installment, and a deeper look into the crisis in all of our institutions, economies and climate, and possible solutions.

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Thanks Robert!

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Glad to hear of your on-going recovery. I have seen the forces of autocracy (Piscean-based) make all manner of attempts to obfuscate, deflect and confuse those to whom they make their appeals, by, among other things, accusing their perceived foes of doing the same things that they themselves are doing. Playing on fear is a time-honoured tool of the ruling class, but it is less likely to work this time, as there is an energy shift that is much greater than the ability of the autocrats to comprehend.

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I agree Gary.

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Thank you for this collection of essays! Your astrological and energetic intelligence creates such a strong subfloor, I find reading your work easeful. I do a lot of reading which is stressful so, I appreciate your style. Keep writing!

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Do I understand I must pay for this to read it? How sad. will certainly liit circulation. Would have shared generaous on my NEtworks. Have a good start. Do hope you mention the Greatest Denial: Overpopulation?

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Thanks 🤗

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