This is great stuff, David. It puts this new era into context beautifully. I love the use of Grof's BPM's as a tool to describe the move from the Piscean Era into the Aquarian. It is an apt usage.

Looking forward to parts III and IV. Thank you for this brilliant essay.

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A wonderful launch David! Yes, indeed in the birth canal. My observation is that this is most definitely a time to not be attached to the outcome, for it could be overwhelming to the point we give up, become apathetic, and go numb. If we do what we are here to do, and give up our quest for certainty (which is a delusion anyways), then we open ourselves to whatever is coming, whatever is being birthed. Thinking there is such a thing as certainty is little more than a way to dominate, to control, all part of the patriarchy and top-down order that is currently being challenged...Finally! Yes, no more gurus, no more masters. Peer-to-peer dialogue on the horizontal line which is the line of Ayni, which is also the Feminine line. Yes and Yes to this time we are living in...not easy, but definitely a time to bear witness and become part of what we wish to see being birthed....by becoming what we wish it to be....while remaining open. I will be in my 70s by the time we get a glimpse of what this new creation is...in the meantime, I am Patience, I Am, Also. Noqan Kani. Looking forward to your future essays.

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Hi David. Thanks for this overview. It is helpful. What I see right now is also a lot of trauma response. I have been studying trauma and work with the formerly incarcerated. I have learned a lot. One if the dangers is inaccurate discernment - following your trauma response vs your intuition. I see a lot if people making this mistake, myself included. It is so critical that we heal. Perhaps one of the lessons we can take away from this last age is how to be compassionate towards ourselves and others for being human and having human responses to crisis and also learning how to let go of egoic ways.

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Thanks Maura, I'm going to address the dimension of trauma healing more in Parts 3 and 4

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Thank you for sharing this.

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What a time to be alive - and, though scary, what a privilege to be alive at this time!

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Hi David,

First I would like to congratulate you on your superb word craft. From the very first two italicized paragraphs into Part 1, I knew I was reading someone's work who is a true wordsmith, not just someone with good ideas and concepts to contribute to a collective conversation but someone who knows how to craft word well. As I read through your essay I could feel your heart in your work not just your clear mind and thought. I realize that might sound silly to some but that is what I felt.

My experience thus far in my life is one that has not found astrology to be particularly helpful. However from what I just read in your essay you may have put in a crack in my thus far experience with astrology.

You did a brilliant job providing a lucid translation from astrological language into elegant and simple enough societal structuring language. I loved the Stan Grof birth stage overlay onto this transition we are going through. I thought your essay was very clean and extremely effective. For me several times reading it I was struck by the right balance of you saying just the right amount, not too much , not too little. Good writing often strikes me like that. For me good writing often feels like I am reading something that has been sculpted, where what has been taken away ( fewer words to say the thing with elegance) is just as important if not more than the words actually used: if that makes sense. I often get the sense that the word craft has been distilled with excellent writing.

Another way of saying it is that well crafted word is like Akido or Zen: clear concise even when subtle and complex topics are being written about.

After reading your essay I felt that zen quality in my mind about your topic.

Personally I am not sure humanity is going to make it through this next birthing phase into a more evolved humanity. So far collectively I do not see enough transition to give me realistic hope. At this juncture I would give the odds at 1/3 that we make it to a more evolved level before we might devolve into a more severe condition. Thank you so much for your work and contribution David. I would love to read the following essays.

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Thanks so much Michael, I'm touched by your generous words. :)

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I am happy to see how much you are in the stream of your academic love

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It's beyond academic now. :)

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I understand. By academic I simply mean of higher learning, of higher perception, not simply theoretical or hypothetical.

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David, what a candid, astrological analysis and vision. Affirms hope. Anticipating part 2, especially regarding spirituality...I am in global spiritual communities...beautiful and resourceful. Thanks, Wanda in Texas

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David, what a candid, astrological analysis and vision. Affirms hope. Anticipating part 2, especially regarding spirituality...I am in global spiritual communities...beautiful and resourceful. Thanks, Wanda in Texas

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Thanks and I look forward to more!

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Thankyou David. Exciting times !!

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Thank-you, David. We need the teachers and guides who will support us during the birth of this Baby!

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its all coming together now, thank you for your support and knowledge

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Amazing read and very thought provoking. Thank you for sharing!

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Cosmos and Psyche is definately one of my favorites David. I'm an astrologer who grew up in Auroville.

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