Oct 29, 2022Liked by David Nicol

Thanks for your insights David. There is an organization supporting collaborative dialogue called Braver Angels. I listened to one of their debates on a very controversial topic and was really impressed by their system for allowing both sides to weigh in respectfully and got a very good perspective from those who I had previously thought were (some form of mindless idiots - thought police anyone? I am making your case here :-). They were, in fact, deep thinking, loving, and caring even though I didn't agree with them. It was enlightening to experience what is possible!

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Thanks Nina, I've heard of Braver Angels and it sounds like they are doing great work.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by David Nicol

With regard to the exchange between David and "Mary", I am reminded of a time when my late wife and I were presenting at a small group gathering in Houston, about 38 years ago. An angry woman of colour called us out on a few of the assumptions she felt we had made. Penny was insulted, and began to argue back. I chose to take in what the woman of colour was saying, having heard similar things from a young man in the late 1960s. None of us can know the other's pain, without witnessing it up close.

It was instructive to read "Mary's" point that the Far Right is basing its arguments on "Me", while the Far Left bases its arguments on "We". The latter can be more problematical, when it is co-opted by persons or groups who are, in fact, self-interested and "Power-over" conscious-as the Bolsheviks turned out to be and the Chinese Communist Party still is. The Ultra- Right, being mega-individualistic, is more likely to see itself devolve into chaos. For example, stay tuned to the coming Trump vs. De Santis spectacle-and please excuse that digression.

David's final point, about the need to inculcate a Power-with stance, is more in line with the direction in which I have been heading, for the past decade or so. That has necessitated taking a discerning view of even the shrillest criticism I receive, now and then.

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Thanks so much for sharing your story Gary. I think we're all on such a journey to learn what power-with really means, especially in terms of collective patterns. I think it's healthy to talk about these experiences even if they are challenging.

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"None of can know others pain"

This seems true, and for me it raises a question.

Why do we subscribe to the division when someone or a group claims "My pain is somehow of greater importance than yours"

It seems simply or more insidious another tool, or Red Herring used by those who profit in goods and POWER by the age old tactics of Divide and conquer.

A tactic that has prevented humanity from considering we are ALL in a or on a path towards??

Peace and prosperity Through responsibilities

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by David Nicol

Well said

Very well said. I will not chronological my 81 years attempting to bring equal opportunities for ALL.

Or my reflections on today's obvious disasterous unintended consequences from actions when I as a youth in my arrogance "Knew" I had the answer to ancient historical "Wrongs"

I will simply say again. WELL and articulatly said..

I also recommend an organization who has a framework on the national stage to facilitate listening

Peace and prosperity Through responsibilities


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Many thanks Michael. You're the second person to recommend Braver Angels so I will take the hint and check it out.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by David Nicol

Please let me know how it resonates with you.

There are many organizations offering "Listening skills trainings and opportunities to apply them.

BA Has earned a table at both the State and National levels.

You may find looking at various debates, trainings, discussions available on you tube valuable.

Peace Through responsibilities

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Dear David,

As you well know, there is quite a range of fundamentalist thinkers out there who may have intellectual awareness and skills, but are nonetheless fundamental in their views.

I salute you for speaking your truth as best you can in these complicated and dark times where civility and respect for another’s views is likely to not be tolerated.

If you are not ridiculed by far right thinking, broken left will be glad to attack and try to undermine.

Thank you for sharing your views. I find them very enlightening and offering an informed, reasonable and rational approach to our times.

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Many thanks Susan.

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Resonating 100% with you here!

I can't even remember how I came across your work, David, but it was in the pre-C19 days, and I took part in one of your online mediations a couple of years ago. Somehow I also subscribed to your Substack, which I also don't remember doing, and I am now so glad that my subconscious led me to do so!

I'm going to look into joining in with more of your work.

I'm also intrigued by the choice of many readers to reply to you privately rather than join a discussion here, and glad you have shared some of these responses publicly.

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Nice to connect with you Helen! Perhaps you would be interested in joining us for our next Web of Light call? This is a free monthly "planetary shamanism" series that we offer on the second Saturday each month at 12noon US Pacific. The theme of our next call (on November 12) is "Sacred Flame of Courage." If you want to be added to our reminder list for that call, just shoot me an email at david@earthrising.one.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by David Nicol

Hello David. I'm not sure why you mailed this altercation to readers, except maybe to highlight an emotional response to your work which you then go on to defend ? Why defend ? If you feel authentic, there is no need to defend. The very act of defending or explaining means there is something not right / there is something which has to be justified...which you do then justify. So again, both of you fall into the mind game of judgement and continue to play out power and what is to be done within mind, albeit there being actual on the ground work done. Any insidious energy cannot be dealt with mentally. One has to move from mind-ego-solar plexus chakra into heart energy, the energy of silent observation. The mere observation of thought, as you know, changes the thought itself. Reaction and Defense Response is, I believe, chemically imbedded within the DNA spiral through millions of years of having to survive. What is able to change the chemical structure is pure heart observation. My perception is that this is what Consciousness does, in the act of creating balance. It automatically and spontaneously changes polarity & usurps the fear of "non-survival", usurps the fear of meaninglessness, which the ego of many activists are fearful of. Well, you probably know this, just thought I had to articulate it to imbed it further into my own renewal of mind & brain cells. LOL. Thankyou any, (from a soul in a black female body to a soul in a white male body ) It is all just different realities we have CHOSEN to experience to evolve the aspect of Divinity we embody as a "me"😊⚛️⚡

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022Author

Thanks so much Ghairo for engaging. I agree that the healing of these 'insidious' energies cannot happen mentally, but only when they are held in the heart. In the healing work I do, the focus is often on creating a 'group heart' that has the capacity to hold all without judgment. Yet I also see the virtue of 'coming clean' about these solar plexus power issues we all tend to have so that they're out in the open rather than hidden, and then can be held and transformed in the light of consciousness together. In any case, from this soul in a white male body to a soul in a black female body -- thank you for your greeting.

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